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School Profile


701 E. Bogard Rd   -   Wasilla, Alaska 99654  Phone: (907) 352-8200   Fax: (907) 352-8280

 Read our School Profile


Jason Marvel
(907) 352-8213

 Assistant Principals

Mike Shea                Karen Bloxsom
 (907) 352-8215            (907) 352-8218 

Administrative Secretary

Heather McVeigh          (907) 352-8213



Courtney Bayle (A-G)     (907) 352-8246

Sarah Tilbury     (907) 352-8237

KB Holbrook     (907) 352-8241

Wanda Abell, Secretary (907) 352-8243


Heather Moore          (907) 352-8291


Activities Office

Stacia Rustad, Activities Principal        (907) 352-8249
Kristen Harris, Secretary     (907) 352-8217 Fax (907) 352-8282


Community:  Wasilla High School (WHS) is located within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough which serves suburban and rural communities with a combined population of 115,239. The City of Wasilla is a first class city of 9,267 and is located 45 miles from Anchorage (population 284,469), the commercial and cultural center of Alaska.

Employment: Transportation, construction, petroleum, production, tourism, and government services.

School: Wasilla High School is one of ten four-year high schools of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District and is accredited by Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools. WHS's average enrollment is 830 students.

Curriculum: A comprehensive curriculum including college preparatory, business, trade/technical, fine arts, and enrichment programs. 
Required credits: Twenty-five and a half

Advanced Placement/Honors Programs: Currently, offered are AP courses in Art, English, Biology, World History, Calculus, Chemistry, and US History. Honors courses are offered in English 2 & 3. WHS has been nominated by the College Board as an AP Alaskan Outstanding School in Math and Science as a result of the high scores students received in AP exams.

Special Education: A variety of fundamental, modified, and resource courses are available. Also available are self-contained classrooms, daily living, life skills, work study and study skill labs. These courses are limited to students with an individual Education Plan.

Special Courses: District wide "Career Pathway" courses, English as a Second Language courses, Tech Prep courses, and the Extended Learning Program are available for those who qualify.

School Year: The school year is 180 days divided into two semesters. One-half credit per subject is granted each semester, with twenty-two credits required for graduation.

Grading System: Four point system with the following range: A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, and F=0.0. Additional weight is given for AP courses. Student's class rank and cumulative GPA are based on all courses attempted.

Faculty: Faculty comes from Universities throughout the United States. Over 50% of the faculty holds Masters degrees.